Footnotes to Venus in Pisces

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[1] Mabel Collins, Light on the Path, p. 15

[2]  Book of Tobit, 13.

[3] A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 291

[4] A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology I, p. 291

[5] in its etymological meaning: one(-un)-soul(-anima).

[6] A. Bailey,  Esoteric Astrology, p. 517

[7] A. Bailey, The labours of Hercules, p. 195

[8] From the Greek “ergos”, which means “work.”

[9] From lat. lux, light; and -fer, to bear.

[10] For the association between Venus and Lucifer, cf. also H. Blavatsky’s “The secret Doctrine” vol. 2. p. 33: “Venus, or Lucifer is the light-bearer of our Earth”.

Regarding the association between Venus and the emerald, cf. A. Bailey’s statement that the hierarchical instructors of Venus’ planetary school are depicted as “holding a trident of fire surmounted by five green emeralds.” (“A Treatise on cosmic fire“, p. 1179)

[11]  A. Bailey, The labours of Hercules, p. 195-197

[12] A. Bailey, The labours of Hercules, p. 197

[13] Genesis, 3:17

[14] Revelation,  4: 2-3

[15] Wisdom of Solomon, 9:4-10

[16] Wisdom, 6:18

[17] Lit. “the ability to receive or contain.”

[18] Wisdom of Solomon 7: 22-29

[19] 1 Kings 4: 30-31

[20] Wisdom of Solomon, 8:9

[21] Ibid. 7:10

[22] Wisdom of Solomon, 8:5

[23]  Wisdom of Solomon, 10:5

[24]  Wisdom of Solomon, 9:18.

[25] Cf. Julius Ruska, Tabula Smaragdina, Heidelberg, 1926 . Quoted by Emma Jung and M. L. Von Franz in The legend of the Grail, p. 165

[26] Emma Jung and M. L. Von Franz, The legend of the Grail, p. 150

[27] Ibid.  p. 152

[28] Henri Corbin, En Islam Iranien, Vol. II, p. 283. (transl. by the author)

[29]A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Vol I, p. 290

[30] A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, Vol I, p. 291

[31] A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 192

[32] Henri Corbin, En Islam Iranien, vol. II, p. 42 & 283

[33] Henri Corbin, En Islam Iranien, vol. II, p. 131

[34] A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 83: Capricorn is called esoterically the “doorway into life of those who know not death”

[35] Henri Corbin, En Islam Iranien, vol. II, p. 283

[36]  Henri Corbin, En Islam Iranien, vol. II, p. 41

[37]  A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 130

[38] in reference to our earth evolution. It is from our earth perspective that Venus is exalted in Pisces, and nothing more can be ascertained about the planets in general than the character and purposes they assume and demonstrate in relation to our present human evolution. Who and what they are, is what they are to our psyche, in our psyche.

[39] To “save,” as well as “salvation” come from latin salvus – whole, safe, healthy.

[40] Henri Corbin, En Islam Iranien, vol. II, p. 146

[41] A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 64

[42] This may be the evolutionary fact behind the “legend” of the emerald-grail recounted above… “The angels carved it into a vase. This vase became the chalice in which the Christ…”.. the Christ principle eventually comes to dwell in the chalice of the soul “carved” by the solar angel.

[43] Etymologically, both words speak to the same operation of “making whole.” Save, from latin salvus, whole, safe, healthy. Sacrifice: from facere, to make; and sacer, holy (from Gk. holos, whole).

[44] A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 680: ” The juncture of spirit-matter and mind, or manas, [the very principle of “man”], was effected during the third root-race, and the definitely human family became present upon earth from that date.. This was brought about by the coming in bodily presence, of certain great Entities, who came from the Venusian chain,.. achieved the necessary juncture, undertook the government of the planet, founded the occult Hierarchy. The remainder have returned to their originating source.”

[45] A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, p. 702

[46] A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, p.699-700

[47]  A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 383 & 684

[48] A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, p. 699-700

[49] To heal — to make whole or sound

[50] A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 378

[51] A. Bailey defines the creative hierarchies of Beings as “the manifold groups of lives, at all stages of unfoldment and growth who will use the forms”— “forms” referring in this context to the “primordial forms” represented by the rays. Cf.  A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1195

[52] A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 35

[53] A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 1204

[54] Jn, 15:13

[55] Paul Allen, Vladimir Soloviev: Russian Mystic,  p. 281.

[56] Ibid. p. 323

[57] Copper, on which Aphrodite set foot in Cyprus, the copper island, was said by Paracelsus to cure mental diseases, hysteria and epilepsy – (From W. Pelikan’s “The secret of metals“)

[58] A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 882

[59] Bernard Nesfield-Cookson, R. Steiner’s Vision of Love p. 210

[60] Ibid. p. 139

[61] Ibid. p. 212

[62] R. Steiner, At the gates of spiritual science,  p.71

[63] A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, p. 243.

[64] Bernard Nesfield-Cookson, R. Steiner’s Vision of Love  p. 148

[65] Wisdom of Solomon 7: 22-29

[66] A. Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations, p. 258

[67] A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 129

[68] Irving Stone, Dear Theo , p. 399, 339, 391, 186, 424, 171.

[69] Victor Hugo,  La Legende des siecles ( ed. Pleiade, p. 655)

[70] A. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, p. 678

[71] Ichtus, the greek word for fish, is also an anagram of the first letters of the greek words for “Jesus-Christ-Savior-Son-of-God”..

[72] Wisdom of Solomon 7: 22-29

[73] Proverbs, 9:1: “Wisdom has built her house, she has hewn her seven pillars”.

[74] Talent – from Gk talanton— monetary unit.

[75] Elizabeth Vreede, Le ciel des dieux, p. 183

[76]Elizabeth Vreede, Le ciel des dieux, p. 184-187.